The 11th USC president, C.L. Max Nikias, was inaugurated this past Friday. It was a momentous occasion that hosted a lot of the students as well as members of the community. I was asked by the Daily Trojan to cover the event, which was somewhat bland, but I got some interesting photos out of it. I was asked to show up early, nearly an hour and a half for some reason. So there was really nothing to do but walk around and take some photos of the venue. I got this photo which I always wanted to get of the bushes that spell out the schools name, U.S.C.
And like wedding receptions, the programs left on the seats for guests.
The main stage, we were only allowed to sit in one section to the front and right of the stage. It didn’t give you many opportunities to get interesting photos.
The flag bearers,
And the long introduction to many of the faculty, staff, alumni, and students of USC.
Crowded seating.
First up, the USC graduates.
Future USC students.
and faculty
This is so California.
It was so crowded, some were forced to stand.
My hats off to you.
Previous USC president Staples laughing with present president Nikias.
Fight on!
Nikias and his wife leaving, I should have followed them all the way down so I could get him with the fight on symbol. Oh well, I wasn’t really enthusiastic to get more photos after a super long ceremony.
Half century alumni, how cute.